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Disability insurance in Canada



Disability insurance dis provided to to an employer who at the point in time of his life  has a misfortune or disabled and cannot work.

no is praying to have a disability at any point in time of his or her life,  but according to the statistic today every one sees t hat many people before getting to  age 50/70 gets one or two problem that  stops them them from working doing there normal work in life.  checkout our blog post on car insurance in Canada 

disability insurance is different from  workers compensation insurance which provides benefit like partial wages, replacement when the one of the workers gets ill or he or she disabled away form work.

this can help you as an employer to seek medical help any time you get ill.

understand that this payment replaces some part of your income when you cannot work because of illness.

for most part of Canada disability insurance will not replace the whole of your income as an employee.

instead they can provide wage replacement benefit that covers cover, on average, up to 60% of employee earnings. Those payments usually go up to a cap, or a maximum monthly payout.

Although that’s not ideal, receiving up to 60% of wages is still better than 0% — and having that income stream can be very important to an employee and their family.

How disability insurance works

Disability income insurance is an agreement made between insurance companies and policyholders. In exchange for the monthly payments you make,

the insurance company agrees to pay you a monthly benefit amount if you suffer a disability that affects your ability to work.

Disability insurance is designed to replace a percentage of the income you lose due to your inability to earn a paycheck.

Having disability insurance means being able to meet your financial obligations paying bills, covering household expenses, providing for your family while you’re unable to work.

A disability insurance policy will spell out:

  • How much you will pay in premium. Just like any other type of insurance, this is the payment you must make each month to keep your coverage in force.
  • How the policy defines disability. Some policies will pay out a monthly benefit if an injury prevents you from working at your normal job, but allows you to do other types of work that will nonetheless reduce your income. Other policies will not pay benefits if you are able to work in another type of profession, even if you earn less money.
  • How much you will receive in benefits. In most cases, your benefit amount will be a percentage of your income. Policies typically pay 60 to 80 percent of what you earned before your disability.
  • How long your benefits will last. The benefit period may be a certain number of months or years, or up to a certain age.

Disability insurance covers The following:

you  have to understand that the disability insurance covers

injuries and illnesses that limit your ability to do what’s expected of you at work.

Seems pretty straightforward, right? Well, there are still many misconceptions about what is considered a disability and what isn’t.

For example, what comes to mind when you hear the word “disability”? Often times its freak accidents and rare birth defects.

All of those unlikely, tragic events that we believe just can’t happen to us.

More than 25 percent of today’s 20-year-olds will experience a disabling event that prevents them from working for at least three months before retirement.

And when you consider the most common causes of long term disabilities, it’s really not all surprising. you ma y also like casualty insurance in UK

the shocking thing is that the council for the disability reports that 90% of claims that are filed for long term disability benefits stem from medical illnesses, not physical injuries.

this  doesn’t men injuries like fractures, sprains, and strains of muscles and ligaments are not disabling.

What it does mean though is that the scope of disabilities that can prevent you from earning an income is a lot broader than most people realize.

How to Make A Disability Claim in Canada

Understand the type of disability plan you are qualify for:

there are many kind of disability plan and program in Canada and all them has it own eligibility  criteria.

And make sure you don’t make  the mistake of applying for the one you are not qualify for, for may stand the chance to loose  all at the same time.

first of all you are to take down  ,your own disability and make sure you not a mistake about it. And the disability  benefit, that you are qualify for.

most of the time the disabled, qualify for more than one  benefit, and it may be possible you are  qualify for more than one.

Common  sources of disability income

Sick Pay from Employer

Many employers offer to pay sick days as a workplace benefit.

Sometimes you’re able to bank up weeks or months of sick pay.

If you have access to sick pay, then this is the first thing you have to use when you go on disability leave.

Employment Insurance (EI) Sickness Benefits

The EI Sickness program provides temporary income replacement benefits to eligible workers for up to 15 weeks.

To qualify, your income must be reduced by at least 40%, you must be employed by a qualifying employer, and you must have already earned 600 hours of insurable employment.

Short-term disability insurance

Short-term disability coverage typically provides benefits for up to 6 months while you’re sick or injured.

If your employer has a short-term disability plan, your claim must be made through your disability plan.

Employers aren’t required to provide paid sick leave and each employer is different.

Speak with your employer’s human resources staff for details on your plan including any sick time or vacation time policies that might apply.

If you don’t have short-term disability coverage and your employer does not offer one, you may be eligible for Employment Insurance (EI) sickness benefits.

To be eligible for EI sickness benefits, you must:

  • usually have used all of your sick leave
  • have worked enough hours

Long-term disability insurance

Long-term disability insurance benefits generally begin when the following benefits end:

  • short-term disability insurance
  • sick leave benefits from your employer
  • EI benefits

Most long-term disability plans will replace 60% to 70% of your normal income.

Each disability plan is different.

Some may provide disability benefits for up to two years if you’re unable to return to the job you had before becoming disabled. After two years, you may continue to receive benefits only if you’re unable to work at any job.

How  much disability insurance can cost in  the country of Canada

you have to understand as  there are different type of disability so the policies  are different.

the disability company sets up there policy as it may sooth them and you cant change it rather you can adapt to it, or you look for  anther one yo work with. and also it all depend don the type of policy you  that you wan to take up with.

be it an individual policy or group policy provided by an employer), the total cost of the policy might be split between a group / organization / employer and the insured person.

   Some of the disability companies in Canada

in the country of Canada  there many disability company that can Offer you disability insurance and they are the following:

The major disability companies in  Canada checkout our blog post on property insurance in UK 

  • Manulife / Manufacturers Life Insurance Company
  • Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada
  • Great-West Life Assurance Company
  • Canada Life Assurance Company
  • London Life Insurance Company
  • Industrial Alliance Life Insurance
  • Desjardins DFS Life Insurance
  • RBC Life Insurance Company
  • Empire Life Insurance Company
  • BMO Life Assurance Company

other one are the following 

  • ACA Insurance
  • Assumption Life Financial Services
  • Blue Cross Life Insurance Company
  • Canadian Tire Life Insurance
  • Cigna / Life Insurance Company of North America
  • Co-operators Life Insurance Company
  • Fenchurch General Insurance Company
  • IA Excellence Life Insurance Company
  • Industrial Alliance Pacific Life
  • La Capitale Life Insurance
  • Medavie Blue Cross
  • Morneau Shepell
  • Primerica Life Insurance Company
  • SSQ Life Insurance Company
  • ScotiaLife Financial
  • UL Mutual Company
  • Wawanesa Life Insurance Company
    they  are all the disability insurance company din the country of Canada


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